In Brazil, Copyright law prohibits unauthorized copying of any original work such as films, music, sculptures, books, software, photographs, designs, projects, plans and architecture.
With technological progress, the Intellectual Property of these works suffers constant risks of violations. Tavares Intellectual Property includes in its services the protection of copyright in the digital world.
The registration of a work of art is optional, but it enables a favorable solution in cases of, for example, disputes regarding ownership or authorship of work of art, and also enabling financial transactions, transfers, licenses and rights transfers. Therefore, it is highly recommended to register the work of art in the competent authority, according to the nature of the work. They are:
- Books and texts – Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (a Brazilian regulatory foundation responsible for the registration of new intellectual works – FBN).
- Films – Agência Nacional do Cinema (a Brazilian regulatory agency responsible for the promotion, regulation and supervision of cinema and audiovisual market, as well as register of movies as works of art – ANCINE).
- Artistic works – Escola de Belas Artes (a unit of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, specifically of the Letters and Art Center of said university, responsible for the processing of the application for the registration of works of art – EBA).
- Music scores – Escola de Música (music school of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro) or Fundação Biblioteca Nacional (FBN).
- Architectural plans/projects – Regional Council of Engineering and Architecture (CREA).
- Computer programs – Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial (Brazilian Patents and Trademarks Office).
Therefore, our clients can count on our experts to advise them in the best way to manage and market their works.
Thus, in addition to the registration, Tavares is also able, according to each case, to analyze and elaborate contracts of distribution, reproduction, rights tranfers, licensing for artists and interpreters. It is important to point out that the customer has the support of our litigation team to act both in the civil and criminal areas.
Our work in this field includes:
- Advice and consulting on registration and copyright protection in Brazil and abroad;
- Advice in judicial or out-of-court disputes;
- Negotiation, assignment and licensing of copyright;
- Registers of art work.