The Brazilian PTO is receiving public comments on the draft of the Normative Instruction that will establish the conditions for the registration of Geographical Indications. The notice was published in the Official Bulletin of November 6, 2018.
Interested parties have a period of 30 days to send the suggestions to the e-mail, through specific form only.
The rules of filling out and sending the form are the following:
1) The comments referring to each article must be inserted in the corresponding field of the form and deal specifically with the subject matter of that article;
2) Comments referring to articles which subject matter is strictly administrative and which do not deal with the examination of the registration of geographical indications must be subject to possible textual inconsistencies or inaccuracies of the draft;
3) Comments submitted after the deadline, by other means or different to what is stipulated in the above rules, will not be considered.
After the deadline, the BPTO will present the proposals received during the public consultation and the final text of the Normative Instruction.
The official form (in Portuguese) can be downloaded here.
*Translated and adapted from the BPTO’s official web page. The original publication (in Portuguese) can be found here.