Amazon plant jambu has 433 patents around the world
The substance “espilantol”, extracted from the jambu that causes the sensation of numbness in the mouth, is a focus of interest of researchers. Jambu is found in the Amazon and widely used in cooking and may still be an option for a new anesthetic, especially for dentistry.
The plant, which has several other medicinal properties is studied by researchers and academics from around the world. Patent registrations are made to preserve these studies.
According to the Brazilian Patents and Trademarks Office (BPTO), there are 433 applications and registrations of patents related to jambu, requested not only through the BPTO but also by other patent institutions around the world required by research centers, companies and organizations.
Japan has 137 applications and patents granted using the plant, equivalent to 32.16%. Followed by the US, which has 102 applications and patents (23.94%), France with 55 (12.91%), Spain 36 (8.45%) and China 26 (6.10%). Brazil registers 15 patents and applications that are being analyzed related to jambu, a percentage of 3.52%, and Germany with 10 applications and patents (2.35%) and Great Britain with seven (1.64%).
*Translated and adapted from a Brazilian website. The original publication (in Portuguese) can be found here