We are pleased to announce that today Brazil and Japan have signed an agreement that creates a work group to study forms of cooperation in patent examinations between the two countries, and it could mean a Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) in the near future.
This is a new important step, since a PPH Pilot Program between the USPTO and the BRPTO is already in course since January of this year. The Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) speeds up the examination process for corresponding applications filed in participating intellectual property offices.
Under PPH, participating patent offices agree that when an applicant receives a final ruling from a first patent office that at least one claim is allowed, the applicant may request fast track examination of corresponding claim(s) in a corresponding patent application that is pending in a second patent office. PPH leverages fast-track examination procedures already in place among participating patent offices to allow applicants to reach final disposition of a patent application more quickly and efficiently than standard examination processing.
This measure is a relief and of great benefit to applicants suffering from backlogs from some patent offices worldwide, like the Brazilian PTO. With initiatives like this, we could expect the BRPTO to reach a final decision in months instead of years, in some cases.
If you are interested in further information regarding this agreement or have clients in Japan that would be in a position to benefit themselves from this agreement in the near future, please let us know. We will be glad to assist you. Please contact our team at the following e-mail adress: patents@tavaresoffice.com.br