Shein sued for copyright infringement in the US

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. Three graphic designers are suing Chinese fast-fashion...
Conar veta exibição do trailer do filme “Barbie” nos cinemas

Brazil vetoes showing the trailer for the movie “Barbie” in theaters

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. The National Advertising Self-Regulation Council of Brazil...
Huawei lidera o ranking de patentes 5G, superando Qualcomm e Samsung

Huawei leads the ranking of 5G patents, surpassing Qualcomm and Samsung

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. Chinese tech giant Huawei has once again...
Yakult consegue registro de alto renome de marca no INPI

Yakult achieves highly renowned trademark registration at BPTO

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. The Japanese multinational Yakult, famous for its...

The Superior Court of Justice of Brazil begins to judge whether a shopping center can use the name “Vogue”

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. The 3rd panel of The Superior Court...

Brazilian operation results in the ban on clandestine storage of CNG cylinders and valves

Leia esta notícia em português aqui. Agents from the Police Station for the Repression of...

What now, Apple?! Huawei registered the “Vision Pro” trademark and may force name change on glasses

Leia esta notícia em português aqui. Apple may have trouble naming its new Vision Pro...

Amazon will pay about U$ 30 million for violating the privacy of Alexa and Ring users

Due to privacy violations, the United States Federal Trade Commission (FTC) closed two settlements with...

World Environment Day: Plastic pollution is this year’s theme

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em português. World Environment Day is celebrated this Monday...

Films about intellectual property are on the rise; watch 5 to understand the genre

Clique aqui para ler esta postagem em português. If you're a movie fan, you've surely...

Is the iPhone from Apple or Gradiente in Brazil? The Court to resolve the dispute in June

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em Português. The Federal Supreme Court (STF) scheduled for...

G7 plans to create a working group to discuss the responsible use of artificial intelligence

Leia esta notícia em português clicando aqui The leaders of the G7 nations decided this...
Tavares IP no INTA Annual Meeting 2023

Tavares IP at INTA Annual Meeting 2023

Clique aqui para ler esta postagem em Português. It is with great satisfaction that we...
Samsung bane uso de ChatGPT e outras IAs por colaboradores

Samsung bans the use of ChatGPT and other AI by collaborators

Clique aqui e leia esta notícia em Português. Samsung banned the use of generative Artificial...
Tramitam no Brasil 425 pedidos de patentes 5G para cidades inteligentes

425 5G patent applications for smart cities are pending in Brazil

Clique aqui para ler esta notícia em Português Brazilian companies, universities, and research institutions filed...